Welcome to PLL practice tool.
Would you like to practice a specific PLL or all PLLs?
Enter 's' for specific and 'a' for all
Welcome to PLL practice tool.
Would you like to practice a specific PLL or all PLLs?
Enter 's' for specific and 'a' for all
Choose 1 out of the 21 PLLs to practice.
A1, A2, U1, U2, H, T, J1, J2, R1, R2, V, G1, G2, G3, G4, F, Z, Y, N1, N2, E
Type your selection:
Enter 'new' to practice another PLL
Enter any key to return to the home screen
PLL algorithms will be randomly generated for you to practice
Enter any key to practice the next PLL
Enter 'exit' to return to the home screen